Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Poorly Catechized, But Also Bad Writers

I don't normally visit the Anglicanorum Coetibus Society blog -- and I don't recommend it -- but I ran into this reference on a news aggregator to a recent post:
After Monday’s article about the Anglican Church in North America’s Anglo-Catholic section, the Missionary Diocese of All Saints contemplating leaving the ACNA we received a statement from the Sufferage Bishop of MDAS, Richard W. Lipka:
"Bishop" Lipka is listed on the MDAS website as "suffragan", not "sufferage". "Sufferage" is not a word. The title suffragan was covered in my TEC confirmation class, so whatever catechesis the author of the post had as an Anglican, it didn't take.

There's that blooper in the post, but there are other simple grammatical errors that a middle-school English student would normally be embarrassed to make. I understand that Mrs Gyapong is an amateur writer, but her editorial skills don't seem to be very good.